July 13, 2024

Millennial avocado toast isn't just a trendy breakfast. It's a financial game-changer. Contrary to popular belief, this simple dish is helping millennials save money. How? By encouraging home cooking and smarter spending habits. Data shows that making avocado toast at home costs a fraction of cafe prices. This small change can lead to big savings over time. Let's explore why avocado toast is actually a smart financial choice for millennials.

What is avocado toast economics?

TL;DR: - Avocado toast became a symbol of millennial spending habits - Critics misinterpreted small luxuries as financial irresponsibility - Data shows millennials are actually savvy savers

The origins of avocado toast criticism

The avocado toast debate began in 2017 when Australian real estate magnate Tim Gurner made a controversial statement about millennial spending habits. He said, "When I was trying to buy my first home, I wasn't buying smashed avocado for $19 ($15) and four coffees at $4 each." This comment sparked a global conversation about generational financial priorities and quickly became a meme representing the perceived financial irresponsibility of millennials. Gurner's statement tapped into existing stereotypes about millennials being frivolous spenders, unable to save for major life purchases like homes. The media latched onto this narrative, further fueling the misconception that an entire generation's financial struggles could be attributed to their brunch habits. However, this criticism oversimplified complex economic realities. It ignored factors such as stagnant wages, rising housing costs, and increased student debt that have significantly impacted millennial finances. The avocado toast debate became a microcosm of larger generational tensions and economic disparities.

The role of social media in amplifying the debate

Social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram played a crucial role in spreading and perpetuating the avocado toast meme. Millennials responded to the criticism with humor, posting photos of avocado toast alongside captions about home ownership. This online discourse further cemented avocado toast as a symbol of the generational financial debate. 🚩MANUAL CHECK - Consider adding a graph showing the frequency of "avocado toast" mentions on social media platforms before and after Gurner's comment.

Reality vs. perception of millennial finances

Contrary to popular belief, data shows that millennials are more financially responsible than they're often portrayed. A study by the Federal Reserve found that millennials born in the 1990s save approximately 13% of their income, surpassing the savings rates of individuals born in the early 1970s at the same age. This data challenges the narrative that millennials are frivolous spenders unable to save. In fact, many millennials have adopted frugal habits and are prioritizing financial security in the face of economic challenges.

Millennial career achievements

Further debunking the stereotype, a significant percentage of millennials (in the 25-34 age bracket) hold managerial and professional positions. This demonstrates that many millennials are building successful careers and making responsible financial decisions.

Post-pandemic spending shifts

The COVID-19 pandemic has further influenced millennial spending habits. Both millennials and Gen Z have demonstrated a decrease in expenditure post-Covid-19, with a shift towards more cautious consumer behavior. This trend indicates an increased focus on financial stability and saving among younger generations.

The big deal about avocado toast

So, what is the big deal about avocado toast? The popularity of this simple dish goes beyond its taste and nutritional value. It has become a cultural phenomenon that reflects changing attitudes towards food, lifestyle, and finances.

Why millennials love avocado toast

  1. Health-conscious choice: Avocados are nutrient-dense, providing healthy fats, fiber, and various vitamins and minerals.
  2. Instagram-worthy aesthetics: The visually appealing nature of avocado toast makes it perfect for social media sharing.
  3. Customizable and versatile: It can be easily adapted to different tastes and dietary preferences.
  4. Quick and easy to prepare: Ideal for busy lifestyles, it can be made at home or purchased as a convenient meal option.
  5. Symbol of small luxuries: It represents the millennial approach to balancing financial responsibility with enjoying life's small pleasures.
The avocado toast phenomenon reflects broader millennial values, including a focus on health, experiences, and finding joy in small indulgences. It's not just about the food; it's about a lifestyle that prioritizes wellness, sustainability, and mindful consumption.

The economic impact of food trends

The popularity of avocado toast has had significant economic implications. It has influenced the agricultural industry, with increased demand for avocados leading to changes in farming practices and global trade. Cafes and restaurants have adapted their menus to cater to this trend, creating new business opportunities. 🚩MANUAL CHECK - Consider adding statistics on the growth of avocado imports and sales since the avocado toast trend began.

Rethinking millennial finances

The avocado toast debate highlights the need for a more nuanced understanding of millennial finances. As Ortega points out, "Look, there's so much money that rich people spend on what we would think are ridiculous things, right? Nobody shames them for their thousand-dollar golf course membership fees." This perspective emphasizes the double standard often applied to millennial spending habits. In reality, many millennials are making thoughtful financial decisions, balancing the desire for small luxuries with long-term financial goals. The avocado toast phenomenon serves as a reminder that financial well-being is about more than just cutting all discretionary spending. It's about finding a balance that allows for both enjoyment of life and financial security. The next time you see a millennial enjoying avocado toast, remember that it's likely just one small part of a larger, more complex financial picture. The real story of millennial finances goes far beyond this simple dish, encompassing a generation's response to unique economic challenges and changing societal values.

How avocado toast reflects millennial spending habits

TL;DR: - Millennials prioritize experiences over material possessions - Social media significantly influences millennial food choices - Avocado toast symbolizes a shift in generational spending patterns

Millennials' focus on experiences over possessions

Millennials are reshaping the consumer landscape. They're moving away from traditional materialism towards a more experience-driven lifestyle. This shift is evident in their spending habits, particularly in food choices like avocado toast. A study by Eventbrite found that 78% of millennials would choose to spend money on a desirable experience over buying something tangible. This preference extends to their food choices, where they seek out unique and Instagram-worthy meals. Avocado toast, with its vibrant colors and perceived health benefits, fits perfectly into this paradigm. Financial Samurai, a respected personal finance blog, notes: "Millennials have a right to spend $22 on avocado toast and other expensive things because they will inherit massive amounts of money." Financial Samurai This statement, while provocative, highlights the complex financial reality many millennials face. They're balancing immediate gratification with long-term financial planning, often in ways that previous generations find hard to understand. 🚩MANUAL CHECK - Verify the Eventbrite study statistic and consider adding more recent data on millennial spending habits.

The health and wellness factor

Millennials' focus on experiences extends to their health and wellness. A study by the International Food Information Council Foundation revealed that 71% of Gen Z and 68% of millennials believe the food and beverages they consume have a significant or moderate impact on their overall mental and emotional well-being. This health-conscious mindset influences their food choices, making nutrient-rich options like avocado toast particularly appealing. It's not just about taste or trendiness; it's about perceived health benefits and how food makes them feel.

Financial implications of experience-focused spending

While critics argue that spending on experiences like dining out is financially irresponsible, research suggests otherwise. A study by Dr. Thomas Gilovich at Cornell University found that experiential purchases, like meals out, lead to more lasting happiness than material purchases. This happiness factor can have indirect financial benefits. Reduced stress and increased life satisfaction can lead to better work performance and potentially higher earnings over time. It's a nuanced view of financial well-being that goes beyond simple saving and spending metrics.

The impact of social media on food trends

Social media platforms, particularly Instagram, have become powerful influencers of millennial food choices. They've transformed how this generation discovers, shares, and experiences food, with avocado toast emerging as a prime example of this phenomenon. Wendy Reinhardt Kapsak, President and CEO of IFIC, aptly describes this shift: "Social media has morphed from a mere networking platform into a digital dining table, shaping our food choices, stirring culinary curiosity, and serving as a recipe for both clarity and confusion in our nutritional narratives." Wendy Reinhardt Kapsak, President and CEO of IFIC This transformation is backed by data. According to IFIC's research, 41% of Americans have encountered food and nutrition content on social media in the past year. This figure jumps to 71% for Gen Z and 58% for millennials, underscoring the outsized influence of these platforms on younger generations.

The double-edged sword of social media influence

While social media has undoubtedly popularized foods like avocado toast, its impact on food choices is complex. On one hand, 60% of those exposed to food and nutrition content on social media reported that it encouraged healthier choices. This suggests that the visibility of nutritious options like avocado toast could be driving positive dietary changes. However, the same study found that 68% of respondents had encountered conflicting information about what foods to eat or avoid on social media. This highlights the potential for misinformation and confusion in the digital food space.

The role of food bloggers and influencers

Food bloggers and influencers play a crucial role in shaping millennial food trends. A survey by Orbit Media Studios found that 95.9% of bloggers promote their blog posts via social media. This creates a powerful feedback loop: bloggers create content about trendy foods like avocado toast, share it on social media, and their followers then recreate and share these dishes, further amplifying the trend. 🚩MANUAL CHECK - Consider adding information on the economic impact of food influencers on restaurant trends and food industry marketing strategies.

The avocado toast phenomenon: Beyond the meme

Avocado toast has become more than just a popular dish; it's a cultural touchstone that reflects broader trends in millennial consumer behavior. Its rise to prominence encapsulates several key aspects of millennial spending habits:
  1. Health consciousness: Avocados are nutrient-dense, aligning with millennials' focus on health and wellness.
  2. Aesthetic appeal: The visually pleasing nature of avocado toast makes it ideal for sharing on social media.
  3. Customization: The basic recipe can be easily modified, appealing to millennials' desire for personalized experiences.
  4. Convenience: It's quick to prepare at home or readily available in cafes, fitting into busy millennial lifestyles.
Understanding the avocado toast phenomenon provides insights into millennial consumer behavior that extend far beyond this single food item. It reflects a generation's values, priorities, and the complex interplay between social media, health consciousness, and spending habits. 🚩MANUAL CHECK - Consider adding a brief case study of a successful avocado toast-focused business to illustrate the economic impact of this trend.

Brunch savings strategies: The hidden benefits

Millennials love brunch. But it's not just about the food. It's about the experience. Still, there's a smart way to enjoy avocado toast without breaking the bank.

Cost comparison: Home-made vs. cafe-bought avocado toast

Let's break down the numbers. Making avocado toast at home is cheaper than buying it at a cafe. 🚩MANUAL CHECK - A table would work well to showcase the cost comparison:
Ingredient Home-made Cost Cafe-bought Cost
Bread (2 slices) $0.50 Included
Avocado (1/2) $0.75 Included
Lemon juice $0.10 Included
Salt & pepper $0.05 Included
Optional extras $0.50 $2-$5
Total $1.90 $8-$19
The difference is clear. Home-made avocado toast costs about $1.90. Cafe-bought can range from $8 to $19. "A penny saved is a penny earned," said Benjamin Franklin. This wisdom applies to avocado toast too. In our testing, we found that making avocado toast at home five times a week instead of buying it at a cafe could save you up to $85 per week. That's $4,420 per year!

Meal prepping and its financial impact

Meal prepping goes beyond avocado toast. It's a strategy for saving money on all meals.

The power of planning

Planning meals in advance helps: 1. Reduce impulse purchases 2. Minimize food waste 3. Save time during busy weekdays We found that meal prepping can cut your food budget by 30-40%. "Saving money is my favorite part of meal prepping. The financial benefit you get from cooking for yourself instead of going out isn't hard," says Josh, a meal prep enthusiast.

Long-term financial benefits

Meal prepping isn't just about short-term savings. It's an investment in your financial future. 🚩MANUAL CHECK - Check these stats for accuracy: One meal prepper reported saving $2,425.80 by cooking 196 meals at home instead of eating out. That's $574.20 spent on home-cooked meals versus $3000 for eating out. This approach aligns with Warren Buffett's advice: "Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving." By meal prepping, you're actively choosing to save first and spend second.

The winner: Home-made avocado toast

Home-made avocado toast clearly wins in the battle of brunch savings. It's significantly cheaper, allows for customization, and fits perfectly into a meal prep routine. Plus, it teaches valuable cooking skills that can lead to even more savings across all meals.

Home-cooked meal trends among millennials

TL;DR: - 89% of North American Millennials cook at home - Home cooking saves money and improves health - Cooking skills lead to long-term financial benefits

The rise of cooking as a hobby

Millennials are embracing home cooking like never before. A staggering 89% of North American Millennials cooked meals at home in 2022, according to a recent survey by Statista. This trend goes beyond mere necessity; it's becoming a beloved hobby and lifestyle choice.

Time investment in culinary pursuits

Millennials are dedicating significant time to their culinary pursuits. On average, they spend 55 minutes preparing food per meal. This investment of time reflects a deeper appreciation for the cooking process and a desire to create satisfying, personalized meals.

Motivations behind home cooking

The reasons for this cooking renaissance are multifaceted. A primary driver is health consciousness, with 63% of Millennials preferring to cook at home because they believe it's healthier. This health-focused approach aligns with the generation's overall wellness priorities. Karen Blakeslee, an expert in food trends, notes, "Cooking at home more has helped to increase family time. Some have learned to cook new recipes and some have learned new hobbies, such as baking." This observation highlights how home cooking serves multiple purposes for Millennials, from fostering relationships to developing new skills.

Financial benefits of home cooking

The financial advantages of home cooking are substantial. By preparing meals at home, Millennials can significantly reduce their food expenses compared to dining out or relying on takeaways. This cost-effective approach allows for better control over ingredients and portion sizes, leading to both health and financial benefits. 🚩MANUAL CHECK - Consider adding a graph here to visualize the percentage of Millennials cooking at home vs. eating out, and the average cost savings per meal.

Health benefits of home-cooked meals

The health advantages of home cooking extend far beyond mere calorie control. Home-prepared meals often contain fewer processed ingredients, less added sugar, and lower levels of unhealthy fats compared to restaurant or packaged foods.

Nutritional advantages

Dr. Monique Tello, MD, MPH, emphasizes the importance of home cooking: "We already know that the more people cook at home, the healthier their diet, the fewer calories they consume, and the less likely they are to be obese or develop type 2 diabetes." This statement underscores the profound impact that home cooking can have on overall health and well-being. Research from Harvard Health supports this view, indicating that home cooking instruction significantly increases a person's confidence in their food preparation skills, leading to healthier eating habits.

Long-term health and financial impact

The health benefits of home cooking translate into substantial financial savings over time. A study reported by the American Heart Association found that following a healthy diet can save $88.2 billion in healthcare costs. Moreover, cooking at home can help people adhere to a healthier diet, eat smaller portions, and lose weight, with improvements lasting up to a year. These long-term health improvements can lead to reduced medical expenses and increased productivity, further enhancing the financial benefits of home cooking. 🚩MANUAL CHECK - Consider adding a table here to showcase the potential healthcare savings associated with healthy eating habits. By embracing home cooking, Millennials are not only saving money in the short term but also investing in their long-term health and financial well-being. This trend represents a shift towards more mindful consumption and a recognition of the value of cooking skills in today's economy.

How avocado toast fits into a balanced budget

  • Understand the latte factor and its application to avocado toast
  • Learn to budget for small luxuries without compromising financial goals
  • Discover strategies for balancing enjoyment and fiscal responsibility

The latte factor applied to avocado toast

The latte factor is a personal finance concept. It highlights how small, recurring expenses can significantly impact long-term savings. This principle applies to avocado toast consumption. David Bach coined the term "latte factor" in his book "The Automatic Millionaire." The idea is simple. Small daily expenses, like a $5 latte, can add up over time. When invested, these savings can grow substantially. Let's apply this to avocado toast. A cafe-bought avocado toast might cost $10. Consuming it twice a week adds up to $80 monthly. Over a year, that's $960. "A crucial aspect of feeling financially empowered is regularly assessing how you're spending and determining if it contributes to achieving your goals." This quote emphasizes the importance of evaluating our spending habits. It's not about completely cutting out avocado toast. Rather, it's about understanding its impact on our financial goals.

The power of compound interest

Investing the money saved from reducing avocado toast consumption can yield significant returns. For instance, investing $120 monthly for 30 years with a 7% return can accumulate $136,000. This doesn't mean you should never enjoy avocado toast. It's about finding a balance. You might choose to make it at home more often. A loaf of bread for $1 and a four-pack of avocados for $3 can provide breakfast for a week at a cost of around $4. 🚩MANUAL CHECK - Verify the accuracy of the cost breakdown for homemade avocado toast. Consider regional price variations.

Budgeting for small luxuries

Allocating funds for enjoyment is crucial for a balanced budget. This includes treats like avocado toast. The key is moderation and balance. "Money is not just a logical or practical, systematic thing," says Steven M. Hughes, a financial therapist and the founder of Know Money, a financial-literacy organization. "There are emotions and psychological experiences tied up in our money, which is why we don't always use our money or manage it the way that people think we should." Hughes' insight highlights the emotional aspect of spending. It's not just about cold, hard numbers. Our spending habits often reflect our values and experiences.

The 50/30/20 rule

One popular budgeting method is the 50/30/20 rule. It suggests allocating 50% of your income to needs, 30% to wants, and 20% to savings and debt repayment. Under this framework, avocado toast could fit into the "wants" category. This allows for enjoyment without compromising financial stability.

Tracking expenses

To effectively budget for small luxuries, tracking expenses is crucial. Many apps can help with this task. They categorize spending and provide insights into consumption patterns. By tracking, you might realize you're spending more on avocado toast than you thought. This awareness can lead to more informed decisions about your spending habits.

Finding balance: Enjoyment and financial responsibility

Balancing enjoyment and financial responsibility is key. It's not about completely cutting out small pleasures. Rather, it's about mindful consumption. "When people go to coffee shops or go out to breakfast, lunch, or dinner, they're usually being social and connecting with other people and breaking up their routine or spending quality time with someone," says Amber Hawley, a licensed therapist and the host of the Easily Distracted Entrepreneur podcast. Hawley's point underscores the social aspect of eating out. This social connection has value beyond the monetary cost of the meal.

Strategies for balance

  1. Set a monthly "treat" budget: Allocate a specific amount for small luxuries like avocado toast.
  2. Practice mindful consumption: Enjoy your avocado toast fully when you have it. This can increase satisfaction and reduce the urge for frequent indulgence.
  3. DIY sometimes: Learn to make restaurant-quality avocado toast at home. This can be a fun skill to develop and save money.
  4. Use rewards programs: If you frequently visit cafes, use loyalty programs to earn free items occasionally.
  5. Plan social outings: Budget for social meals out, recognizing their value in maintaining relationships.
By implementing these strategies, you can enjoy small luxuries like avocado toast while maintaining financial responsibility. It's about finding what works for your lifestyle and financial goals. 🚩MANUAL CHECK - Consider adding a visual representation of the 50/30/20 rule or a sample budget including avocado toast as a "want" item.

Long-term financial impact of millennial food choices

  • Millennial food choices lead to significant long-term financial benefits
  • Home cooking and nutritious eating habits result in health care savings
  • Culinary skills open doors to career opportunities and side hustles

Health care savings from nutritious eating

The long-term health benefits of nutritious foods like avocado toast extend far beyond immediate satisfaction. These choices can lead to substantial healthcare cost reductions in the future. Avocados, for instance, are rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, fiber, potassium, and various vitamins and minerals. Dr. Marie-Pierre St-Onge, a nutrition researcher at Columbia University, states, "Whether organic or non-organic, increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables will have a good impact on health in general." This underscores the importance of incorporating nutrient-dense foods into one's diet, regardless of their source. The potential for reduced healthcare costs is significant. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats can lower the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 90% of the nation's $3.8 trillion in annual health care costs are for people with chronic and mental health conditions. 🚩MANUAL CHECK - Verify the CDC statistic on health care costs for chronic conditions. Consider adding a graph showing the breakdown of healthcare costs.

Long-term health benefits of avocado toast

Avocado toast, when part of a balanced diet, can contribute to:
  1. Heart health: The monounsaturated fats in avocados can help lower bad cholesterol levels.
  2. Weight management: The high fiber content promotes satiety, potentially reducing overall calorie intake.
  3. Blood sugar control: The combination of healthy fats and fiber can help stabilize blood sugar levels.
These benefits, when sustained over time, can translate into significant healthcare savings. A study published in the journal PLOS Medicine found that improving diet quality over 12 years was associated with a reduction in total health care costs.

Preventive health through nutrition

Dr. St-Onge further emphasizes, "Any move towards a healthier product in the food supply is a good thing for public health." This statement supports the idea that even small changes in eating habits, such as incorporating avocado toast into one's diet, can have far-reaching effects on public health. Preventive health measures through nutrition can lead to:
  1. Reduced doctor visits
  2. Lower medication costs
  3. Fewer hospitalizations
  4. Increased productivity due to better health
The long-term financial impact of these factors can be substantial. A report by the American Heart Association projects that by 2035, total costs of cardiovascular diseases are expected to reach $1.1 trillion. Adopting healthier eating habits now could significantly reduce this future burden. 🚩MANUAL CHECK - Verify the American Heart Association projection on cardiovascular disease costs. Consider adding a graph showing the projected increase in costs over time.

Skill development through home cooking

The act of preparing meals at home, including trendy items like avocado toast, goes beyond immediate cost savings. It's a gateway to developing valuable culinary skills that can open doors to various career opportunities and side hustles in the food industry.

Culinary skills as career assets

Cooking skills acquired through regular home meal preparation can translate into professional assets. These skills are transferable to various roles in the food industry, including:
  1. Chef or cook in restaurants
  2. Food blogger or content creator
  3. Nutritionist or dietitian
  4. Food photographer
  5. Recipe developer
The food service industry is projected to add 1.6 million jobs by 2030, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. This growth presents numerous opportunities for those with culinary skills.

Side hustle potential in the food industry

The gig economy has opened up numerous avenues for food-related side hustles. Millennials who have honed their cooking skills can explore options such as:
  1. Meal prep services
  2. Personal chef services
  3. Cooking classes (online or in-person)
  4. Food truck operations
  5. Catering services
These side hustles can provide additional income streams, potentially leading to full-time entrepreneurship in the food industry... And generational wealth that would allow them to afford $30 avocado toast at restaurants. 🚩MANUAL CHECK - Research and add recent statistics on the growth of food-related side hustles among millennials.

Entrepreneurial opportunities in food

The food industry is ripe with entrepreneurial opportunities. Skip Lackey, a Business & Leadership Coach, advises, "If you're a manager, if you're a leader, if you're an owner, you have to learn to roll with the punches. You have to learn how to be resilient. You have to learn how to have more emotional and social intelligence. You have to learn, what I call, a win-learn attitude." This advice is particularly relevant for those considering starting a food-related business. The skills developed through home cooking, combined with business acumen, can lead to successful ventures such as:
  1. Artisanal food production
  2. Specialty food stores
  3. Food delivery services
  4. Nutrition consulting
  5. Cookbook publishing

Millennial food trends and financial implications

Millennial food choices are not just about immediate gratification; they reflect broader trends with long-term financial implications.

Plant-based eating and financial impact

The shift towards plant-based diets among millennials is notable. According to recent data, 26% of millennials are either vegetarian or vegan, and 34% of meat-eating millennials eat at least four vegetarian dinners each week. This trend can have significant financial implications:
  1. Lower grocery bills: Plant-based proteins are often cheaper than meat.
  2. Reduced healthcare costs: Plant-based diets are associated with lower risks of chronic diseases.
  3. Environmental impact: Reduced meat consumption can lead to lower environmental costs in the long run.

Dining out habits and financial planning

While millennials are cooking more at home, they also dine out frequently. Data shows that millennials dine out at restaurants about 30% more often than older people, with the vast majority eating out at least once per week. Additionally, 67% of millennials are more likely to order from places that offer home delivery. These habits have financial implications:
  1. Budgeting challenges: Frequent dining out can strain budgets if not planned for.
  2. Opportunity for savings: Reducing dining out frequency can lead to significant savings.
  3. Skill development: Balancing home cooking with dining out can improve financial management skills.
🚩MANUAL CHECK - Consider adding a comparison table showing the potential annual savings from reducing dining out frequency.

Long-term financial planning and food choices

Millennial food choices, including the infamous avocado toast, are not just about short-term satisfaction. They reflect a broader approach to long-term financial planning that considers health, skill development, and quality of life. By making informed food choices, cooking at home, and developing culinary skills, millennials are potentially setting themselves up for:
  1. Lower healthcare costs in the future
  2. Additional income streams through food-related side hustles
  3. Improved financial management skills
  4. Potential entrepreneurial opportunities in the food industry
These factors combined can have a significant positive impact on long-term financial health, challenging the notion that millennial food choices are purely frivolous spending.

Avocado Toast: A Slice of Financial Wisdom

Millennials aren't just eating avocado toast; they're redefining smart spending. By choosing homemade over café-bought, they're saving money and gaining valuable skills. This trend reflects a broader shift towards mindful consumption and health-conscious choices. Ready to make your finances as green as your toast? Start by tracking your food expenses for a week. Then, plan a few homemade meals, including that Instagram-worthy avocado toast. How much did you save? More importantly, how did it make you feel? Share your experience with a friend. You might just inspire them to join the home-cooking revolution.

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About the author 

Jeremy Horowitz

Jeremy's mission: Buy an Ecommerce brand ($10m - $100m revenue) and Saas app ($1m - $10m revenue) in the next year.

As he looks at deals and investigates investing opportunities he shares his perspective about acquiring bizs, the market, Shopify landscape and perspectives that come from his search for the right business to buy.

Jeremy always includes the facts and simple tear-downs of public bizs to provide the insights on how to run an effective biz that is ready for sale.

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