
March 17, 2024

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– Enjoy Shoptalk this weekend

The Top 100 Shopify Plus Report is BACK!!!

LBAB Community: The Shoptalk FOMO is real

For everyone in/on their way to Vegas right now at Shoptalk have an incredible time. It’s a whirlwind of 3 days. And yes, everything is overpriced, overcrowded and over competitive. But the biggest and best events always are, because everyone is there.

If this is your 1st time, just soak it in. There are 1m things going on, and everyone will be running in a million different directions.

If you’re a brand, you shouldn’t have to pay for 1 thing once you’re there. Every vendor will be hosting multiple events from meals -> excursions -> partries/shows, you name it.

Focus on networking. Brand to brand is where it’s at. Soak in some content. But also use this as an opportunity to vet 6 month of vendor research in a weekend.

For your current stack use it as free consulting. They all send their CSM. Go have them set you up with that update you need to make.

For the net new. Get all the info and lock in an offer. All vendors are trying to tie back a deal to an event. Promos are a classic strategy.

Also it up your tech/agency stack and ask what they have going on. They’ll be more than happy to invite you. Everyone needs more brands at their events.

If you’re a SaaS/Agency… Meetings. Meetings. Meetings. That’s all you should be focused on. 

Having a booth is great.

Walking the floor is great. 

Hanging out with partners is great.

Sponsoring fringe events is great (where you actually meet brands).

BUT you absolutely have to set up planned meetings if you want to generate real pipe. You’re in a massive casino/hotel. There are plenty of places.

The team who used to run IRCE (If you’ve been in this game long enough to remember that as the event of the year) now run Shoptalk. It’s the event to be at. Have an awesome time. 

And enjoy the insights from the report. It’ll help prioritize who you should go talk to.

Let’s Analyze the Top 100 Apps

We spent the past 2 months updating the Top 100 Shopify App Report, so you can see what all the big brands are using.

Whether you want to see who the biggest players in each category are, or how big “that” tool actually is, we have it all for you. 

PLUS, we have a lot of new additions for you this year.

More Categories (Data/Analytics, Site Extensions)

YoY install Growth

YoY Rank Change 

Biggest Winners & Losers

Head-to-Head market comparisons

More Hot Takes and predictions

Here are some of the highlights to sample the report:

The Category Breakdown:

Email/SMS (82% market share): Klaviyo domination (61%).

Reviews (71%): Still fragmented, but consolidating = 4 players at 10%+.

Support (51%): ZD & Gorgias duking it out for top spot.

BNPL (40%): Klarna & Afterpay neck-and-neck. Stalled out.

Restock Alerts (26%): Whattttt?

Influencer/Affiliate (25%): Biggest shakeup while dropping.

Loyalty (23%): Stable. Yotpo took the market. 

Subscription (17%): Still dominated by ReCharge.

Returns (16%): Loop consolidated power.

Analytics/Data and Site Extensions are also in the report, but those are broader, with more overlap so we didn’t create market share analysis for them. 

It’s crazy to think that out of 10k apps, and at the Plus level, you can boil them down to 11 categories. Despite how big this market is, the core feature set is similar for most brands.

Overall, there was significant growth, with 21.9k net new installs across all of the Plus apps we analyzed in the report. But some apps saw the biggest upside from this. While for others… Let’s just say the odds weren’t in their favor.

Now, you might be asking yourself who the Biggest Winners of the last year are:

New Kids on the block (none were on the ‘23 list)

Microsoft Clarity: Not ranked → #8!

Consentmo: Added 2,211 Plus stores

Accessibly: Added 1,512 Plus stores (+5,040% YoY increase) Added 1,095 Plus stores

The Leaders Got Bigger:

Yotpo: 1,301 Plus stores (+34%)

Gorgias: 1,293 Plus stores (+34%)

Rebuy: 1,187 Plus stores (+52%)

Unfortunately, on the flip side the Biggest Losers are:

Google Optimize (Sunsetted): -1,516 (-31%)

Shogun: -371 (-10%)

Stamped: -348 (-12%)

Justuno: -342 (-27%)

GRIN: -303 (-25%)

In the Full Report, dive into…

Will anyone touch Klaviyo’s sheer dominance?

What’s unfolding in the cage match to win SMS.

Can ReCharge fend off the all-out blitz from the swarm of upstart competitors?

Is Loyalty tapped out?

How tf are Restock apps still at 26% category?


The market share and category breakdown for all your favorite players.

YoY analysis of who grew/shrunk the most.

Market analysis on each category and spicy takes on where they’re heading.

Check out the full report here.

Final Thought:

All in all, it’s a GREAT time to be in the Shopify ecosystem. Even though there are more apps added to the Shopify app store than we know what to do with, the market’s charging full steam ahead.

SaaS competition is accelerating. The Plus segment is clearly Shop’s focus, and the continued investment from all players in this space all =  1 thing:

Brands will get better and better features sets to power their biz. We want to see more jockeying for positions and new players enter this space.

Incredible brands are built on the arbitrage of a new opportunity created by technology. Adding 100 apps to your store isn’t going to make you successful. But finding the right one (that unlocks new efficiency or surface area enabling you to provide a net new experience to customers) has the potential to forever change your biz.

And while the space is already hot, 100s of players will keep racing in to provide new services in the hopes they can be the next hottest Shopify app.


The Shopify Plus app ecosystem is firing on all cylinders and is as vibrant as ever. We’re heading into the golden era of Shopify Plus apps.

The biggest players are getting bigger (Klaviyo, Yotpo, Gorgias), but that doesn’t mean they’re the only ones winning.

Plenty of new players (Clarity, Accessibly, Rebuy) are bringing new experiences and storming up the charts.

Most classic categories are becoming highly competitive. But there’s always a new category bubbling up just around the corner.

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