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  • Discover the terms acquirers most commonly use when buying SMB bizs.
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Quiet Light - Let's Buy a Biz! SMB Multiples Reprot

Some Callout Quotes from Experts

The eCom M&A market is back to where it was pre-2019.

Aggregators have nearly universally paused acquisition and are working through overbuying and debt, but there are still individual buyers, sometimes financed by institutions like family offices, that are interested in making acquisitions.

Ben Cogan  //  Co-Founder of Agora Brands

This report is awesome, especially the data on deal multiples. 

It's shocking to me that most people, even in this market, still think transactions happen on a revenue basis. We need to shout it louder that it doesn't.
The other point is there's tons of deal execution risk.

Fan Bi  // CEO of The Hedgehog Company

 © 2024,  Let's Buy a Biz!
